Monday, August 14, 2006 my life altering lessons I have learned...

1) I hate and will never use the following line when thanking a group of people:

"Thank you to everyone that helped - you know who you are..."

I have decided that I feel that this is so rude - you know what if you don't have the time or energy to make a list of names then don't be getting up and thanking anyone OR don't be asking for help.

Along with this - saying thank you to your Mother and Father is mandatory at any function for which you must stand and thank ppl. nuff said.

2) I *really* didn't know anything (OK - much) when I was 20-25 - and that really sucks cause I'm sure I did and said some pretty stupid stuff.

3) You can feel "left out" even at the ripe old age of 33 and it still sucks - and you still cry - not to your momma.

4) Some people can treat you like shit and not think anything of it...why is it that those ppl cause the feelings in number 3??

5) Playing ball is fun!

6) Playing ball can be painful...

so that starts a whole new story........

the one of the ball tournament....

1 comment:

NickyT said...

OOHHHH, I feel you! I really, really do. My own story will relate this at another date - maybe our next excursion through Zealand perhaps :)
Nothing like a good Momma shoulder to help it all feel better though!